RN & EN Clinical Skills Training
Queensland Health Academy is able to provide in-service education through a variety of clinical workshops to allow nurses to refresh and update their skill sets.
Our programs include:
- The Registered Nurse as Clinical Leader
- The Enrolled Nurse as Team Leader
- Indwelling Catheter care and insertion
- SPC care and management
- PEG Management
- Administer and manage client medication
- Clinical Assessment
- Mental Health nursing and assessment
- Continence management
- Detecting the deteriorating client
- Scope of practice refresh including competency standards
- Introduction to NDIS
- Introduction to Aged Care
- Introduction to Aged Care Funding Instrument
- Case Manager – Nurse focus
Our programs can be tailored to meet the skill requirements of your nurses.
Nurses may use this study to meet their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.
All programs have a mandatory skills workshop that involves role plays, case studies and practicals. On successful completion of our program participants will receive a certificate of completion. This is not apart of the AQF.