This program has been developed by AHPRA registered nurses in order to allow support workers within disabilities services to provide complex bowel care.
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Complex Bowel Management (online)
Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced)- $89.00 incl. GST
This program is benchmarked to the NDIS skill descriptors and Practice Standards. This program has been developed to meet audit requirements.
On completion of this program, support workers will be able to:
- Identify the major parts and functions of the lower digestive system
- Define the characteristics of a healthy functioning bowel
- Outline strategies to support a healthy bowel
- Identify indications of problems in bowel function
- Identify the importance of regular bowel care
- Describe the conditions of autonomic dysreflexia, impaction and overflow
- Explain the processes, polices, requirements and risks for support clients with complex bowel care
- Utilise medications as charted for assistance as required
- Recognise changes and report to the RN
This high intensity program, delivered by AHPRA Registered Nurses is also available as a workshop completing online theory followed by a practical. Please contact us for this.
This program is benchmarked against the NDIS skill descriptors and practice standards. Fun and engaging, this program ensures staff members complete the program with the knowledge and foundational skills to support clients according to the NDIS skill descriptors and practice standards.
Our programs are useful for audit, registration, and re-registration purposes. Certificate of completion provided by the Director of Clinical Education – Registered Nurse.
This module is the online theory only. Online + workshop is available: Online theory followed by practical workshops at our Gold Coast Laboratory. Our Clinical Nurse Educators are also able to travel to Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, Redlands, Cairns, Townsville, and anywhere in Queensland. PLease contact us for a workshop quote.