Complex Care Training – Support Workers
The following programs meet the requirements to provide High Intensity Support.
These programs are benchmarked to the NDIS skill descriptors.
Support workers providing direct care and support to NDIS clients have a large scope of practice.
Traditionally, most of the skills performed by support workers are practised by Enrolled and Registered Nurses.
To ensure support workers are adequately and safely trained QHA have developed a suit of workshop programs to meet the training requirements of the industry.
Our programs include:
- Complex Bowel Care
Follow personal hygiene and infection control procedures; recognise the intensely personal nature of this type of support and make sure of the participant’s consent for the approach; observe and record change bowel habits; assist with laxatives, enemas or suppositories according to procedure and identify when to seek health practitioner advice.High intensity support work includes administration of non-routine medication as required.
Education includes:
Basic anatomy of the digestive system, importance of
regular bowel care and understanding of stool characteristics indicating healthy bowel functioning and related signs and symptoms, basic understanding of related conditions including autonomic dysreflexia;
symptoms/indications of need for intervention and when to refer to health practitioner e.g. overflow, impaction, perforation; infection, understanding of intervention options and techniques including. - PEG feeding and care (Enteral Management)
- Mental Health introduction
- Positive Behavioural Support
- Restrictive Practice
- Tracheotomy care
- Ventilation principles and care
- Medication assistance
- Documentation essentials
- Epilepsy management and Emergency Midazolam administration
- Vital observations
- Diabetes care and support
- Stoma essentials
- Catheter care and indwelling device management
- Diabetes management and insulin assistance
- Pressure area care and prevention of pressure area injury
- Palliative/End of life care
- Asthma Management/Emergencies
- Wound Care and the role of the support worker
We are able to tailor programs to meet each individual organisation and client needs.
All training is delivered by Registered and Enrolled Nurses who have a significant experience and hold their teaching qualifications.
Please be advised that all programs require the prerequisite statement of attainment HLTHPS006 Assist clients with medication.